Lettie heard someone calling her,but she just keeped walking.Her eyes were full of tears,but she just keep moving on.She wanted to go as far as she can from home.Her father died,nothing made sense now,not even her life.She knew her mother was too in love with John,her new husband.Lettie started running.
Darkness of night.Lettie looked at stars wondering what to do,where to go,how to stay alive.
She opened her bag and put out a little diary she got from her dad.
She started crying.She was in woods,the woods that they call Hellstep.There were also some rumors there was a witch named Witch of the Wasteland.Lettie was afraid.
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i konačno prva knjiga na engleskome jeziku!!! go for it!!!
zgodno, al mislim da će i jezici uskoro, (piše english soon!)
ne razumim janci ovog...
u pravu je njofrazg, english bu soon pa bi onda ovo spadalo tamo
od kud ti ovaj izraz janci? nisam ga dugo čula.